Our Long-Term
Commitment to Construct
an Equitable Community

Last Updated: November 2, 2020 

As stated in our June 7, 2020 statement, we are committed to structuring Motivated Movers into a model anti-racist, anti-ableism, inclusive, and equitable community and learning space. 

This moment in history demands a revision and reiteration of our commitment to our community. We are working every day to identify and break down barriers imposed due to prejudices regarding race, class, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, nationality, body image, and socioeconomic status. The understanding of intersectionality and how systems of oppression compound and affect each and every member of our community is paramount. By using the creative, visceral, and vulnerable power of movement, we will create and nurture a joyful and healthy relationship with one another and inspire change in the industry at large. 

Moving forward, Motivated Movers will operate with transparency to best serve you and to ensure accountability. Here is what we've been up to the past three months, our action-steps, and goals for the future: 



  2. We have taken the NDEO Jazz Educator Vows

  3. We have identified and will continue to identify the white supremacy interwoven in our industry and community by examining personal prejudices, re-learning the true history of theater dance, and evolving our teaching styles to ensure an inclusive learning environment.

  4. Listening is and will continue to be a priority to Motivated Movers. We honor the stories and experiences of our community members and while we continue to do work as an organization, our door is always open. Not only do we commit to listening, but we also commit to learning, evolving our policies, and growing. 


  1. By August 2021, the Motivated Movers Team will comprise 50% BIPOC, LQBTQ+, and artists with disabilities representation.

  2. On December 1, 2020, we will roll out Accessible Options in our On-Demand Library.

  3. We will provide a minimum of two BIPOC scholarships per workshop.

  4. We are reviewing our budget to ensure our financial expenditures contribute to the empowerment of BIPOC artists.

  5. The Motivated Movers Advisory Collective was established to remove the echo chamber of our small team and ensure we continue serving the diverse needs of our community in alignment with our values as an organization. Our monthly meetings will continue to have a priority focus on identifying areas for growth, establishing impactful practices and processes, and ensuring our Motivated Community is served to the best of our ability.

  6. Starting in September 2020, all students, teachers, teaching artists, and community members are now asked to sign a Community Agreement. This agreement clearly establishes expectations of the safe, creative, and impactful space we create together. 

  7. In September 2020, we implemented an Incident Report form (with an option to be anonymous) to be utilized by both staff and community members. The form allows us to keep each other accountable and communicate potential feedback if a Community Agreement is breached. To control potential bias, the form will be reviewed by a selection of Advisory Collective members rather than Management. 


  1. The week of 6/7-6/13, Motivated Movers donated all proceeds from our virtual dance classes to NAACP Legal Defense Fund totaling $635.

  2. Motivated Movers commits to donating all proceeds from a monthly Dance for Change masterclass to various social justice organizations. Recent organizations include Broadway Advocacy Coalition, Darkness Rising, Every Body Move, and When We All Vote.

  3. We will continue to use our platform to amplify the important work of social justice and mental health organizations within our arts community such as Broadway Advocacy Coalition, Darkness Rising, Broadway for Racial Justice, and Broadway Black. We will keep a running list of these efforts as a part of our entrenched commitment to the community. 

  4. We are committed to celebrating the diverse history of theatrical dance both on the dance floor and throughout our community content. We are focused on honoring our dance heritage, highlighting influential artists, and celebrating the work of current artists.